MAS965: Social Visualization
Prof. Judith Donath
Assignment 6 - Email
Oct 25, 2004

Francis Lam

Sketch Set #1 - Portrait of relationship

Below are the visualizations of four different people with whom I have corresponded by email in the same period of time. A is a close friend of mine who sent me forwarded jokes in daily basis and we had some long conversations occasionally. B is the boss of the company I used to work for, he mainly mailed to me for job related matters and asking for work progress, our emails are long but less frequent. C is another close friend with whom I always had some personal discussions. D is a new friend who works in the building next to me and we used email as IM because it is prohibited in our companies.

Below is a detailed version of the visualization taking the content into account.

Sketch Set #2 - Email can be diary

Below is a set of sketches showing a concept of an email client that has visualization function. The first sketch depicts a landscape of my email archive over a month with different colors for incoming and outgoing mails. The time taken for writing an email is also depicted in the sketch to indicate the importance of the email.

The second sketch below is a view of attributes added to each email either by the user or the system. User can switch between the normal and attribute view for different information.

User can click on the rectangles to bring up the email content and the linkage of that mail will also be drawn in lines.