

Thirty points of the grade will be based on pop quizzes, which will take place in the lectures on randomly chosen occasions. These will be short, multiple-choice quizzes that are designed to test that you have completed the required reading for each lecture before each lecture. Attendance at lectures is compulsory and any missed quizzes will receive a grade of zero.

  1. What is a Giffen good?
  2. Where did Jensen, Miller and Wang look for evidence of a Giffen good?
  3. What did they find?
Pop quiz #1 solutions (PDF)
  1. Which district does the case study focus on?
  2. How far is the average household from their nearest public healthcare facility?
  3. How was attendance at the healthcare facilities monitored?
  4. In Banerjee and Duflo's household survey who visited a healthcare facility most frequently?
Pop quiz #2 solutions (PDF)
  1. The paper reports on the impact of two programs. What were they?
  2. What would you say are the main results of the paper?
  3. Which of these dimensions was not used to stratify the sample (for the human led program)?
Pop quiz #3 solutions (PDF)
  1. How many people were sterilized between 1976–77 in India?
  2. What is the name of the Alwyn Young paper referenced in the chapter?
  3. What did Gary Becker mean by the "quality-quantity trade-off"?
  4. What was the result of the Gibbons, Pitt, and Rosenzweig paper? (This paper compared time series data on the availability of family planning clinics with fertility outcomes across different regions.)
  5. What was the surprising result in the Duflo, Dupas, Kremer paper? (This paper compared different interventions to address teenage pregnancies in Kenya.)
Pop quiz #4 solutions (PDF)
  1. In which state of India was the gender ratio lowest?
  2. Which arguments does Sen use to suggest when a women will be better off (circle all that apply):
    1. They can earn an outside income
    2. Their work is recognized as productive
    3. They own some economic resources and have some rights to fall back on
  3. Which region has the highest proportion of women in gainful employment?
  4. What does Sen note about female infant mortality in China?
Pop quiz #5 solutions (PDF)
6 Pop quiz #6 questions (PDF) Pop quiz #6 solutions (PDF)
7 Pop quiz #7 questions (PDF) Pop quiz #7 solutions (PDF)

Final Exam

Forty points of the grade will be based on a final exam. The exam will be based on the required readings throughout the year as well as the lecture material covered in class and recitations. It will be a mixture of multiple choice and written questions, and take a total of three hours.

Final exam review part 1 (PDF)

Final exam review part 2 (PDF)

Final exam (PDF)