Module 3 – Sessions 15-21

[PC] = A simplified character version: Li, Duanduan. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese, Simplified Character: Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780231135856; or A Complex character version: Li, Duanduan, et al. A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese Vol 2. (Daxue Yuwen / 大學語文/大学语文). Columbia University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780231125574.

Each assignment or any additional files referenced in the table is available in the Study Materials section, except the audio files. These files are not provided here due to copyright restrictions.

To complete writing assignments, please write on every other line and leave 1.25-inch margins for each piece of paper you use if you do not use the calligraphy grid.


Important: Get in touch with your classmates as early as possible to divide up your work for the presentation. Presentation materials will base on 晚餐.

Preview [PC] Lesson 15:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Five and complete it before the class.

  1. Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage." on pp. 86–89.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files). Learn the Lesson 15 required characters by heart. Make sure you know the other Lesson 15 characters by sight.
  3. Read the text on pp. 81–82 (listen to the Audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 81 and 83.
  4. Read Dialogue 1 on p. 84 and dialogue 2 on pp. 84–85 (listen to the audio files).
  • 10 true-or false questions on Lesson 15 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 15 text.
  • Lesson 15 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage." on pp. 88–89 on a piece paper and hand them in in class.
  2. Handwrite / Write a composition of no less than 180 characters entitled "The Ideal Teacher (最理想的老师)/ (最理想的老師)." Pay special attention to the overall structure of your composition and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.
  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 15 grammar.
  • Lesson 15 exercises on pp. 90–94.

Preview [PC] Lesson 16:

Check Lingt Speaking Assignment Six and complete it before the class.

  1. Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage." on pp. 103–6.
  2. Study the Vocabulary (listen to the audio files).
  3. Read the text on pp. 98–99 (listen to the audio files). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 98 and 100–101.
  4. Read Dialogue on pp. 101–2 (listen to the Audio files).
  5. Please prepare one question about the text. And watch This Clip (3x5 记不住,背九九乘法表大哭) on Youtube.
  6. Study Lesson 15 required characters.

  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 15 required characters.
  • 10 true-or false questions on L16 text and dialogue.
  • Lesson 16 text.
  • Lesson 16 Dialogue.

Writing Assignments:

  1. Handwrite a coherent paragraph with all the entries from "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage." on pp. 105–6 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
  2. (Handwrite) Write a composition of no less than 180 characters on "How My Parents Educated Me (我父母是怎样教育我的 / 我父 母是怎樣教育我的)." Pay special attention to the over-all structure and use as many new words and sentence patterns as possible.
  • Hand in your writing assignments.
  • Lesson 16 grammar.
  • Lesson 16 exercise on pp. 107–13.

Study Lesson 16 Required Characters

The content is challenging but don't be overwhelmed by it. I don't expect you to master it right away. The goal is to expose you to material relevant to your life and test your reading skills. We will not have any tests on these materials but a presentation. Following the steps below:

  1. Download the lesson of "Dinner 晚餐." Choose your own character version.
  2. Find the recording of the text of "Dinner" under the text of "晚餐" [Note: This recording is not provided due to copyright restrictions].
  3. Listen to the recording 2–3 times. Do not look at the text the first time when you listen and see how much you understand.
  4. Listen to the recording with the text the second or the third time. Circle the vocab that you don't know.
  5. Bring the text to the class.
  6. Think about the following questions:
    1. In the U. S. will kids normally follow parents' wish to choose a college and a major?
    2. What were your parents' concerns when you chose a college and a major?
    3. From this play, what does Chinese parents expect from their children? How does that play into Confucianism?
  • Quiz: Dictation of Lesson 15 required characters.
  • Dinner.
  • Bring the text to the class.
20 Review Lessons 15 and 16. Make sure you can reproduce required characters in both lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises. Test 3 (50 minutes; on Lessons 15 and 16).

Get prepared for the group presentation (> 5 minutes). No PowePoint presentation.

  1. Use your own words to perform a skit based on the dialogue in the play. Don't memorize the lines but make sure that it is coherent.
  2. Add some main ideas of Confucianism that you have learned in your skit. You need to use at least 5 new words from the vocabulary of the text.
  3. Provide an ending to the play. The length will be no less than 150 characters.

*The Grading criteria are provided in the Syllabus. Since this is a skit, please don't read your script.

*Send your new ending in a typed form to your instructor.

  • Group Presentation.