
The following texts are used in the course and may be downloaded from the following Web sites: Project Gutenberg, Bartleby, and The Internet Classics Archive.

Please note that these links are for informational purposes only. Students in class need to strictly follow the course and reading guidelines.

Homer. The Iliad. (Download from The Internet Classics Archive)

Homer. The Odyssey. (Download from Project Gutenberg)

Virgil. The Aeneid. (Download from The Internet Classics Archive)

Dante. Inferno. (Download from Project Gutenberg)

Aeschylus. Agamemnon. (Download from Bartleby)

Aeschylus. Libation Bearers. (Download from Bartleby)

Aeschylus. Eumenides. (Download from The Internet Classics Archive)

Jules. Njáls saga. (Download from Project Gutenberg)

Anonymous. Beowulf. (Download from Project Gutenberg)

Marie de France. Lais. (Download from Project Gutenberg)

Readings by Class Session

1 Course introduction
2 Iliad, books 1-6
3 Iliad, books 7-12
4 Iliad, books 13-18
5 Iliad, books 19-24
6 Odyssey, books 1-6
7 Odyssey, books 7-12
8 Odyssey, books 1-12
9 Odyssey, books 13-18
10 Odyssey, books 19-24
11 Aeneid, books 1-4
12 Aeneid, books 5-8
13 Aeneid, books 9-12
14 Inferno, cantos 1-12
15 Inferno, cantos 13-23
16 Inferno, cantos 24-34
17 Aeschylus, Agamemnon
18 Aeschylus, Libation Bearers
19 Aeschylus, Eumenides
20 Njáls saga, chapters 1-77
21 Njáls saga, chapters 78-133
22 Njáls saga, chapters 134-end
23 Beowulf, lines 1-1650
24 Beowulf, lines 1651-end
25 de France, Marie. Lais, pp. 28-125
26 Lais, pp. 126-233