Exercise 3: playing with csoundxo

This material is by Wu-Hsi Li. (Courtesy of Wu-Hsi Li. Used with permission.)

Download the MusicPainter TAR file and expand archive to get Musicpainter.activity folder

Try the following steps, and start imagining possible design of musical games over one or multiple laptops.

# change directory to Musicpainter.activity folder
# (cd /home/olpc/Activities/Musicpainter.activity)
# run example python file (python exercise.py)
# hack the exercise.py program (use text editor like vi to edit your py file)
# or use command line programming to try the following program line by line
# (execute "python" and type in the program by lines)

from CsoundXOAgent2 import CsoundXOAgent     # import csoundxo

# I re-wrote the CsoundXOAgent2 so no callback is needed now

csound1 = CsoundXOAgent("localhost", 7000)

# if you want to connect to a remote server, you need a csoundxo server 
# running and listening - "cd /home/olpc/csoundxo", and "./csoundxo"

# sometimes, you leave the program and the network port hasn't been released
# you might see "Server: socket failed to bind"
# normally, the port will be released after 1 minute, so keep trying
# in some cases, you will need to restart the machine

csound1.sendLinevt("i8 0 2 1 0")  
csound1.sendLinevt("i1 0 1 1 7.00")     # format information see below
csound1.sendLinevt("i1 0 1 1 7.02")
csound1.sendLinevt("i1 0 1 1 7.04")
csound1.sendLinevt("i1 0 1 2 7.04")
csound1.sendLinevt("i1 0 5 2 7.04")

csound1.close()   # shutdown the server

# line event format
# field 1: instrument, 1: piano, 2: accordion, 3: string, 4: pizz, 5: clarinet, 6: guitar, 7: bass, 8: percussion
# field 2: start time (sec)
# field 3: duration (sec)
# field 4: volume, 1.0 = normal
# field 5: for percussion instrument, assign 0 ~ 17 for different sounds
#             for pitch instrument, assign a.bb;
#             for example 8.00 is a C5, 8.01 is C#5, 8.02 is D5, 7.00 is a C4
# you can also send events to multiple csound servers,
# assign different IP and have the csoundxo listening in remote machine