
1 Registration Statement of Interest: Write a short paper (a couple of pages long) on why you would like to participate in this class and how you imagine it would fit in with your research, academic, or general interests.
2 Constructionism - Deep Dive Short paper: What does Constructionism mean to you? If you are already familiar with the work of Epistemology and Learning groups (Future of Learning Group, the Lifelong Kindergarten Group, and the Grassroots Invention Group) at the Media Lab, discuss how your prior understanding of Constructionism has changed or evolved by this Week's readings.
3 S. Papert - Foundational Work Short paper: The short foreword to Mindstorms, called The Gears of My Childhood, has been very influential in the work of constructionist learning and education researchers. Write a short first reaction to this piece. I am only looking to see what emotions it evokes in you and how your thoughts and feelings about the central points of this piece evolve as you read the rest of Mindstorms.
4 S. Papert - Foundational Work (cont.) Short paper: Write a book review for Mindstorms. Note that this book was written in 1980. To whom would you recommend this book? Are the central messages of Mindstorms still relevant today? Discuss the impact, if any, this book has had on you personally.
5 J. Piaget Short Paper: How would Piaget review Mindstorms? Discuss the Piagetian roots of Papert's work through of a few concrete representative sections from Mindstorms.
6 L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leont'ev, and A. R. Luria Short Paper: Reflect on Mindstorms in light of the research by Vygotsky, Leont'ev and Luria.
7  J. Dewey Short paper: Reflect on Mindstorms in light of Experience and Education.
8 Lave and Wegner, Rogoff, Collins, Brown and Duguid Short Paper: Reflect on Mindstorms in light of this week's readings.
9 I. Illich, P. Freire, E. Fromm and A. Falbel Short Paper: Reflect on Mindstorms in light of this week's readings.
10 Research Tools and Methodology Short Paper: React to Computer Criticism vs. Technocentric Thinking.
11 Documentation, Reflection, and Evaluation Short Paper: Compare and contrast the research methodologies in the constructionist studies we read about last Week and the work presented in Making Learning Visible: Children as Individual and Group Learners.

Submit: Send a draft of your final paper and project proposal for feedback from everyone in the class.
12 Diversity in Learning Short Paper: Discuss your final paper and project proposal in light of this Week's reading.

Feedback: Post your comments and questions about the final paper and project proposals that others submitted last Week.
13 Communities of Learners Final Projects: Upload your final paper.

Feedback: Upload your review of papers by two other groups.
14 Final Project and Paper Presentations (I) Presentations: First half of your Final Projects.
15 Final Project and Paper Presentations (II) Presentations: Second half of your Final Projects.

Due: Final Paper and Project.