Lecture Notes

Full set of lecture notes in one file (PDF - 1.1MB)

Front Matter, including Table of Contents (PDF)

Chapter 1: Wave Equations (PDF - 1.1MB)

Chapter 2: Geometrical Optics (PDF)

Chapter 3: Scattering Series (PDF)

Chapter 4: Adjoint-state Methods (PDF)

Chapter 5: Synthetic-aperture Radar (PDF)

Chapter 6: Computerized Tomography (PDF)

Chapter 7: Seismic Imaging (PDF)

Chapter 8: Microlocal Analysis of Imaging (PDF)

Chapter 9: Optimization (PDF)

Appendix A: Calculus of Variations, Functional Derivatives (PDF)

Appendix B: Finite Difference Methods for Wave Equations (PDF)

Appendix C: Stationary Phase (PDF)