
Week 1: Introducing Technology in International Relations
1 Introductory Session and Trade-Networking Presentation

Focus: Course overview. We will also discuss how countries are becoming more economically intertwined and what such interconnectedness might mean for international relations.
2 Examples of Technology Advances

Focus: We will discuss recent technology advances and how they may affect international relations and policies.
Assignment 1 due
3 Global Agenda! Simulation

Focus: We will discuss the development of a computer simulation designed to teach students about international relations. We will also brainstorm international relations technology and policy issues and discuss the final project.
Week 2: Technology in Government, and Vice Versa
4 Governing the Internet

Focus: In the previous class we discuss how technology affects governments; in this class we talk about how governance structures should be formed to regulate technology. We will specifically discuss how one developing technology, the Internet, should be regulated.
Assignment 2 due
5 Technology for Government Accountability: Dangers and Opportunities

Focus: We will discuss how advances in IT are changing government structures and its implications for international relations.
6 System Dynamics and International Relations

Focus: We have discussed how interconnected the world is becoming. System dynamics can be a useful way for capturing the complexities of such changing international relations. Travis Franck will present the latest World-3 Model, a policy analysis tool that allows for simulation of alternative futures.
Week 3: Wrap-Up
7 Knowledge and Information for Sustainable Development

Focus: Presentation and available opportunities through the Global System for Sustainable Development.
8 Presentations for Assignment 3 Final project due